A blog about...books, mainly on history, current events, or philosophy. Other thoughts TBA.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

What happens...

...when organizations focus on aid needs rather than aid supply, and are willing to be flexible:


I hope it continues.

Monday, January 28, 2008

It went here.

Two things of note:

One, the title of this needs to be changed. ASAP.

Two, presidential candidates are, for the most part, awful. There is no coherence. Many of them have detailed plans for health care, the economy, and Iraq (obviously Iraq is all that matters in foreign policy). But nobody seems to connect anything. There is occasionally depth of knowledge, but there is no breadth. Nobody seems to be able to articulate a coherent policy, one that puts everything together beyond citing the American dream.

Take foreign policy. In regards to Iraq, the choice seems to be between staying or leaving. But to what end? For what purpose? What is the projection of American strategy that governs whichever option is chosen? There is no connection between goals and actions. Because goals are not stated.
